In my own words...

The work done by the Smile Foundation is close to me – as a baby one of my sons was a patient at the Johannesburg General Hospital’s Craniofacial Clinic, and although he didn’t need surgery, as a family we were exposed to the fear of the unknown and the implications of facial disfigurement in children.

The run starts in the South of Germany, each day running over mountain after mountain, through Austria and Switzerland, ending in a village in the North of Italy. The total ascent will be 14 000m (that’s 14km!) and I know I will have a big smile on my face at the top of each mountain – something to share with each new smile that emerges from the SMILE WEEK operating theaters!

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Past half way

Hear are some pictures as promised from the past couple of days. Yesterday's start was from the little town of Galtur. We left in rain and chilly weather. We worked really hard to get to the first check point. It started snowing as we hit the first climb. We thought that this was going to be such fun in the snow, much to our horror, we hit a snow blizzard at the top. The temperature dropped to -16°!! We then had to make our way down the mountain to the next check point. We ran through mud up to our ankles to reach the next cut off point in time. From there it was down hill into the beautiful town of Scuol. (We actually climbed a couple of places in the rankings gunning it down the 12km hill)
This morning we woke to lots of low cloud and some rain. We started our uphill sprint at 10.15 this morning. The 6.19km run took us 1.25 through more mud then snow, see pictures!
We are getting stronger everyday, but these mountains are still massive.
Talking of massive, the daily race videos can be viewed on
The next 3 days are going to be tough, will keep you posted.

1 comment:

finn said...

that is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all is good in JHB
hope you are all well... see you on the flip side, M dogg